News from the Eeftens Lab

Zhangfan finishes his internship

18 August 2023

Zhangfan successfully finished his Masters internship in the lab, meaning he (almost) finished all requirements for his MSc in Molecular Sciences. Congratulations Zhangfan!

The Eeftens lab moved!

01 August 2023

Due to renovation of the RIMLS research tower, we have temporarily relocated to the Huygens building. For the coming year, we are happily cohabitating with the Biomolecular Chemistry group at the IMM. We look forward to accelerating our ongoing collaborations and fostering new ones on this side of the street!

Zubi finishes her internship

30 June 2023

Zubi successfully finished her Bachelor internship in the lab, meaning she finished all requirements for her BSc in Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations Zubi, and all the best for your Master!

Lab outing 2023

10 June 2023

Our 2023 lab outing was fun! We took a graffiti workshop and made an entire wall of science graffiti art, followed by dinner and drinks. Proud of this joint effort!

Welcome to Zubi Aimee Govers

12 April 2023

Welcome to Zubi Aimee Govers, who started her Bachelor internship today. Zubi is in the Molecular Life Sciences program at the Radboud University. Welcome Zubi!